Redressing The Balance

I was listening to a podcast whilst running this morning on which a newly pregnant woman had written in saying that she was terrified of motherhood. She stated that this wasn’t helped by the podcasters always referring to early years in negative terms, emphasising how hard and all encompassing it was. Those hosting the podcast obviously apologised for framing pregnancy and motherhood in what they termed ‘dark humour’ whilst reassuring her that there were a lot of positives to be found.

Later today, I was remarking to a friend that we tend to linger on hardship and negatives in our day-to-day conversations. It’s rare I think to bump into someone and spend much time remarking on the small but positives that do litter our lives. It got me to thinking about my blog. I often ponder about things that are troubling me, I suppose I use it a little like a therapist. A place to explore ideas and pontificate on why I feel a certain way; guilt filled, not good enough, like I’ve lost myself. And I do find that helpful and I do think it can be helpful to share these thoughts with people so they know that they’re not alone in thinking the same.

But….I think it’s probably equally powerful to share the good stuff. To celebrate in each others wins, no matter how small. I think I worry that it might come across like bragging, a ‘look how good my life is’ post. But I talk to the kids a lot about the power of positivity and focusing on the things that make you happy so I thought I’d better start putting that into practice. Particularly right now when we’re living in a really challenging time. So with that in mind, I’ve made a list of the things that bring me joy or have brought me joy recently…

My happy list

  • Seeing one of my oldest and dearest friends for a very stormy walk last week one evening after work when initially I just wanted to stay at home
  • The boys having a giggling fit at bedtime yesterday and resolving it by reading books together in bed
  • Getting to work out with Dan whilst the gym is closed, even if we are constantly interrupted by kids
  • Maintaining quite a few 9 minute miles on my 12 mile run this morning
  • Prepping the veg beds in the front garden with Sophia ready to attempt some growing again this year
  • My family and friends being generally healthy and well, throughout the last rather turbulent 12 months
  • Dan and I still enjoying each others company after nearly 16 years together and continuing to make each other laugh
  • Being friends with so many of the people I work with – what a treat to like your colleagues and actually want to spend time with them outside of work!
  • Spotting a particularly interesting tree, flower or rock formation
  • Finally being able to fairly consistently light fires outside
  • Working for a company that does something I really believe in
  • Going for a nighttime star gazing walk early in the lockdown in the freezing temps
  • Spotting some of the same constellations I’d been taught a week later
  • Watching TV with Sophia when the boys have gone to bed
  • Eli’s crazy dancing
  • Wild swimming
  • Isaac’s absolute loyalty and devotion to his friends and family
  • Running – the antidote to everything
  •  The children’s obsession with fail videos and jumping out on each other
  • Good food – this is not specific but good food really does bring me a lot of joy!
  • Being outdoors – pretty much anywhere but particularly on the moors, the coastline or in the Lake District
  • Becoming a member of the South West Coast Path
  • Spotting loads of rainbows on a run on monday

I think that’ll do for now…now it’s your turn! Share your happy lists with me, or even just one thing that’s brought you joy over the last week or so. Go on, do it! Spread the love!